Ways to Earning from the Internet (2020)

Ways to Earning from the Internet (2020)
Ways to Earning from the Internet (2020)

Ways to Earning from the Internet (2020)

Is it time for young people to try to use the Internet differently? In a way that brings a benefit to change his life for the better?
Is it time for us to educate young people about the ways in which the Internet can be profited, and available to all, especially as we approach 2020?
In this article I will explain a list of ways to profit from the Internet, which you have to start to try one of them as soon as possible.
This article is long but it's really worth your time, don't be lazy and read it in full? Maybe it's the tip of the thread to change your life completely for the better.
Don't let this topic stop with you, but share it with your friends, so you might help change someone's life for the better.

Ways to Earning from the Internet (top 14 methods in 2020)

1. Commission Marketing

Commission marketing is one of the most important areas that currently exist stake in the Internet. In short, you market third-party products or services for a specific commission, and you get your commission upon completion of the sale.
In fact, commission does not have to be for a sale, there are many companies specializing in commission marketing called CPA companies, which offer commissions for many small marketing services such as downloading applications, registering on websites, or entering personal data. Etc.
In fact, the commission marketing system has been very well known lately, because it represents a brilliant and successful solution for the advertiser (the owner of the product) and the commission marketer (you), through which the advertiser can increase its sales percentage significantly due to the presence of a large number of marketers working for him, and also marketer through this The system can make excellent profits from a commodity that it has not owned, and the marketer here has the opportunity to choose what goods or services it wants to market for.
As a result of commission marketing advantages, many companies have recently opened a profit-sharing system, and there are also many companies specialized in commission marketing mainly.
Here is a small list of the leading companies in the field of commission marketing:
Commission junction

2. Blogging and Google Adsense

Profit from the Internet by blogging, and participation in Google Adsense, is one of the oldest and most famous ways to profit from the Internet ever. The idea here is simply to choose one of the topics that interestyou and have a lot of knowledge about, start publishing articles about it, and then participate in Google Adsense's profit-sharing program.
To start profiting from Google Adsense through your site or blog follow these steps:
1- Choose a topic
This is a very important step and will make a big difference to your future success, my advice to you is to choose one of the topics that interests you and you always feel a passion and love of knowledge about it.
2. Create your website
There are plenty of options to create a website, the easiest one to use the WordPress platform.
3.Start blogging and posting good topics for your visitors.
Always try to provide value and benefit to your visitors, and constantly provide your site with new topics, and you can also hire one of the other writers to help you write renewed content for your site.
4- Participate in Google Adsense's profit-sharing program.
Google Adsense is a subsidiary of Google, by subscribing to it you will place ads on your site, and you will charge a profit whenever a visitor to your site clicks on these ads or even just watchthem.

3. Self-employment platforms

This method is one of the best and easiest ways to profit from the Internet. It is involved in a company that acts as an intermediary between service providers and those who want to obtain it.
Of course to profit from these companies you will act as a service provider, if you are good at any of the following tasks: writing, design, programming, translation, drawing, setting introductions, reviews, editing videos, photography, or having any other skill that others need, you can profit from these companies.
To work and profit from self-employed platforms follow these steps:
1. Learn or develop any skill you have
Self-employment platforms cover almost every area you imagine, so anyone with little skills in almost anything can profit from these platforms.
2. Sign up for a self-employment platform
There are a lot of these platforms, and you'll also find some specialized in a particular area and others are generic and feature a lot of areas.
3- Provide your services and start reaping your profits
Always try to provide something of high value, always broad to hone your skills and develop in the field you intend to work in, I always work to gain the satisfaction of every customer who requests your service.
4- Browse the services provided by others
After signing up or even before you sign up, you can browse the services provided by others, learn about the success of the best-selling services, and then develop yourself to increase your competitiveness.
Top self-employment platforms:
The government has also been able to make
It is the most important, most popular and most successful self-employment platform on the Internet. Its idea is to be a market for small services that starts at $5.
The world's largest self-employment platform, through which you can get a job from home, by carrying out long-term tasks and projects for business owners.
A great platform for doing very small tasks, you can subscribe to them, find what employers are asking for and do tasks for a very good fee. Business owners view jobs or small tasks, details and the price they want to pay in return, you browse hundreds of tasks that have not yet been completed and once you find the right one, you press a button to start.
Another great platform for performing tasks of all kinds and sizes, but famous for the fields of writing, marketing and the work of smartphone applications.
 is basically a hand-made product sales platform, which has a creative touch, but it's also a great market for selling printable designs. If you have design skills, and you can make innovative hand-printed designs, this platform is your best way to profit from the Internet.
One Hour Translation
Writing is an art, translation is also an art, if you have advanced and professional translation skills, you should have one Hour Translation. This platform specializes in providing professional translation services, you will apply strict standards with you when you accept, but the translation there has another price.
The world's most popular photo trading platform, you can register for them and start selling your photos that you've photographed yourself, so this platform is only suitable for photographers, especially professionals who want to profit from the Internet through visualization.

4. Working as a content maker on YouTube

YouTube is the third largest site in the world in terms of fame and visitor rate, and the second largest search engine in the internet world. There are thousands of people around the world and even hundreds of thousands who earn from YouTube on a daily basis.
All you have to do to join this list and start profiting from YouTube is to make a video worth watching.
It uploads it to YouTube, and participates in google's profit-sharing program, which is also available to profit from videos.

5. File-raising sites

File upload sites are, on the other hand, sites for downloading files, used by many Internet users to download files uploaded by someone else before. These companies or sites are primarily advertising sites, offering free file downloads to users in exchange for viewing their own ads. These ads make them good profits, and they share a portion of these profits with file owners, whom you can be one of them.
As a profit-making look from these companies to host files, all you have to do is find files that others need and upload them to one of these companies, and then you make people download these files through you, and then you get a profit.

6. Links shortcut sites

Links Shortcut Companies, are companies where you can put any link to give you another short link, everyone who visits this link sees some ads before going to the intended web address. Some link shortcut sites are basically advertising companies, and they share a portion of their earnings for everyone who shortens their links through them.
This company will give you a percentage of its profits if you get good visits to the short-term ones through it. The genius thing about these companies is that they allow you to shorten any links whether you own them or not. So the world of the Internet is in your hands to choose from the links that suit your audience, and then start to profit.

7. Facebook Marketplace

It is a new free service that Facebook has been offering for almost two years, allowing you to view any product you want to sell to those who want to buy, it is a market for displaying and selling products among Facebook users.
The way to add the product is very easy, and also Facebook works with a geographical distribution system, it shows the products that its owners are anywhere in front of potential buyers who also live in this place. It represents a great free and easy-to-execute opportunity to make a profit by selling products.

8. Social media followers

If you have a good number of Followers on Twitter, or you have a Facebook page or group with a large number of subscribers, this is a good profit opportunity for you. You can profit through your audience on Sushil Media in a number of ways, you can sell ads to some advertisers, market products or offers on commission, or sell your own item through that audience who followyou.

9. Site Efficiency Testing Services

There are sites specialized in providing services of a special kind to the owners of the sites, these services are to test the quality and efficiency of websites and their compatibility with the experience of the visitor and the extent of satisfaction. These sites of course do not have enough employment to check each website to give real reports to customers about their sites, so they enable others to register, start testing and checking customer sites for a percentage of profits.
This internet profit method is very suitable for you in case you have enough experience in dealing with websites, and you can check these sites for their weaknesses and strengths, such as their speed of loading, how well the color compatibility is combined, and the ease of use... Etc.
Here's a list of the most important sites you can subscribe to and make a profit from testing sites:
User Testing

10. Working in e-commerce

E-commerce is one of the most profitable ways of the Internet, but it needs some effort, time and investment. The idea is simply that you will sell your own product online, this product may be tangible or intangible, and it is possible to sell services instead of products as well.
To start e-commerce, follow these steps:
  • Select the product you want to sell online.
  • Select the source from which you will get the product, whether you will buy it at a factory or supermarket, manufacture it yourself or get it in the way of The Shipping Drop.
  • Build your online store, and set it to start selling through it.
  • Start selling through your online store and make a profit, and always develop your business.
11. Performing tasks for business esm This way of profiting from the Internet is very similar to the way you profit from self-employed platforms, but the idea here is that you will deal directly with the company or business owner. The idea here is that you will use the skills you already have, and try through your knowledge and through social media sites to reach out to business owners or companies, and show them your skills in exchange for money as agreed.
Of course, there is always an opportunity to learn new skills, if you find there is a great demand for them. Here is a small list of some of the most needed tasks and business in the world of business online:
  • Manage social media pages.
  • Design images, logos and banners.
  • Design, edit and create videos.
  • Writing, translation, review and language audit.
  • Configuration in search engines.
It is worth mentioning here that LinkedIn is a great way to reach business owners and businesses, and with your smart and thoughtful activity on this site you can attract these business owners to you without you initiating your services.

12. Creating an Online Project

We talked in one way profitfrom the Internet about blogging and Google Adsense, and in others about creating an online store, but really there are a lot of ideas and other ways to make a profit from the Internet by creating a project, whether through a website or through a smartphone app.
The ideas here are infinite to create a website or application. But the key is: learn about the needs of Internet users, or the issues they want to solve, and create a website or application to resolve these issues or to meet them.

13. Investing money through the Internet

This method is for those who have a surplus of money and want to invest it and make a profit through it online. Investing online is very similar to investing on the ground, it generally means using money in a smart way to generate good returns.
Just as on the ground, there is a lot of way to invest money online, and this is a short list of three main sectors:
* Invest by buying and then selling with a profit margin.
We can see online investment in this type very clearly in the case of domain names trade (domain name, is the unique part of the site link:.comau.net.org), also there are those who trade on the websites themselves.
Through the famous Flippa website you can sell and buy websites or domain names.              *  Buying promising projects.
There are a lot of smart projects that have emerged recently that have been purchased by internet whales, such as whatsapp, which Facebook purchased, and amazon's buy-to-be.com.
In fact, investing in promising projects doesn't have to have billions of dollars in capital, but investment is always there in all sizes.
* Building promising minds
There are a lot of wonderful creative ideas that remain trapped in minds because no one adopts them and turns them into reality. You can reach out to one of these minds and invest with him in implementing his idea and making imaginary profits, but you have to deal smartly and wisely to reach the right person, and then measure his idea on the scale of practical investment and make sure that the idea is profitable above all.
Note: This way of profiting from the Internet is not for everyone, and it needs a smart person who can extract winning investment from the midst of losing investments. But in any case, it's one of the ways to profit from the Internet that you can make millions of dollars from, especially at its huge levels.

14- Profit from Facebook

Many believe that the profit from Facebook stems only from being an advertising platform, which can be used to generate profits in indirect ways. In fact, no one denies Facebook's marketing power, but this narrow belief about the idea of facebook's profit applies only to the past, but now there are direct ways to profit from Facebook (yes, the profits will get you through Facebook directly). Here's a sample of facebook's profit methods:
  • Profit from Facebook via videos.
  • Profit from Facebook via instant articles.
  • Profit from Facebook via instant games.

General tips on Earning from the Internet.

Yes, I know that the subject is long but it is worth it, and I will not be able to finish by saying these tips, which I think are very important to them because they are so important.

1-Earning from the Internet is a business like any business, it requires effort, time and focus, as well as continuing to learn, learn and develop oneself.
2-There are endless ways to profit from the Internet, but they all fall under key sections just like the ground.
3-If there's one skill I advise you to learn to take the first step towards profitfrom the Internet, it's "learn how to use the Internet, learn how to search, learn how to register sites, learn how to use mouse and keyboard professionally and quickly, learn how to communicate with support services when needed."
4-Everything you need to profit from the Internet is already available online. There are sites, communities, forums and private social media groups that talk and explain everything that might come to your mind, and there are always solutions to any problem you may face, what you need today is just actually getting started.
5-Teamwork is a great choice and is always available, no matter how you profit from the Internet, there is always a potential partner you can reach and shorten halfway. For example, do you find creating a YouTube channel difficult for you, well talk to your video friend and video editor and work together as a team.
6-If there is one characteristic of the idea of profit from the Internet is flexibility, in the world of the Internet flexibility is the master of the situation, you can at any time develop your way of profiting from the Internet, merge two ways together, or even move from one domain to the other.
In the end, I hope that my subject will be a ray of hope, and a way to open up new horizons for every young man or girl who wants to change her life for the better through the endless opportunities and possibilities available through the Internet.



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