Create a free blog on Google 2019

Create a free blog on Google 2019.
Create a free blog on Google 2019.

Create a free blog on Google 2019.

1 Blog
2 How to create a blog on blogger service
  • Blogger Service
  • Create a blog
  • Publishing content

The blog.

A blog is generally a personal record available on the Internet, where people write their daily. The blog is also used by business men for marketing purposes, as many companies rely on it to market its products and services. Blogs are different from a regular website, in a blog that is constantly renewed several times a week, and blogs usually allow visitors to interact with each other and with content by adding comments and starting discussions, so many of the blog's features are often included in social networking sites.

Because of the nature of their renewed content, the blog is an excellent target for different search engines, and blogs are an easy way to deliver the latest news about the company and its products, in addition to making money through blogs by showing ads or products that follow.

To create a blog, you can use the so-called Blogging Platform, which is software or services through which blogs can be easily and easily created. Website creation software can also be used to create a blog, as blogs are basically websites.

How to create a blog on blogger service.

blogger service.

Blogger is a free tool for Google to create blogs, and can be used to make money by activating the display of ads on the blog. The user can also create a blog with more than one contributor to work on, or create it with only one contributor.

Creating a blog

Creating a blog that requires the creation of a blog on the Blogger service in three simple steps:
Create an account (on Google's main site), name the blog, and choose its appearance.It's worth remembering that with a single account you can create more than one blog, so there's no need to create an account more than once. To create a new blog using the Blogger platform, follow the following steps
  • Go to Blogger:
  • sign in with your Google account by clicking on the "Sign In" button at the top right of the page. If a person doesn't have a Google account, they can press the "Create Your Blog" button, so they'll be automatically moved to a new account creation page.
  •  After you've signed in (or registered for a new account), the desired username is entered, and then press the "Continue to Blogger" button. It is worth remembering that the input name will be shown to the visitors of the blog.
  • Press the "Create New Blog button" button, so you'll go to a new page.
  • Enter the desired address of the blog and choose which address to use to access it via the browser. If the input address is not available, you can try other addresses but not use special codes such as The Bottom Police or Commas. 
  • Enter the check code shown in the required box, and then press the "Continue" button.
  • Choose the initial look the user wants to write it down, and then press the " button! Create blog". 

To change the look of the blog to something different from the initial appearance chosen in the previous steps, in addition to modifying some of the blog settings, the previous steps are completed with the following:
  • Press the "Theme" button at the bottom of the menu to the left of the page.
  • The "Customize button is pressed to start adjusting the look of the blog." You can press the "Edit HTML button if the user wishes to use advanced methods to modify the look of the blog.
  • " The "Settings" button on the list is pressed to the left of the page, so the user will be moved to a page where the user can change the language of the blog as well as allow search engines to show the blog in their results, and activate the email message receiving service in the event of new arrivals. 
  • You can press the "Posts, comments and sharing button" if the user wishes to edit the posting and comments settings.

 If the user wants to add more contributors to the blog, they can do so by clicking the Basic button and clicking on the "Add authors+" link at the bottom of the screen, under the section with the name "Permission".

Publishing content 

to post content on the blog, following the following steps:

  • Press the "New post" button at the top of the page. If the button doesn't exist, go  to the Posts" tab on the left of the page.
  • The desired address of the publication is entered.
  • Press the "Compose button to start writing the content of the publication, and you can use the toolbar to change the font, color it, or other options. You can write with html directly if the user has mastered it by clicking the "HTML" button. 
  • To change your publication settings, such as activating readers' ability to comment, etc., press the "Post Settings" button. When you've finished selecting the right settings, the "Done" button is pressed. 
  • After the publication is finished, the Save button is pressed to save the written content, and the Publish button is pressed to be posted on the blog so that it becomes visible to visitors. If the user wants, they can see the publication without publishing it by clicking on "Preview".



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