make money on twitter 2019

make money on twitter 2019
make money on twitter 2019

make money on twitter 2019

Step by step to learn to make money from Twitter
Through this article you will learn to make money from twitter's social network without investing, as you will learn the tools to do so, how to publicize your account and get followers quickly.
Dear reader, we would like to inform you that the article will be interesting for beginners and for anyone who wishes to make money or earn additional or basic income via Twitter. Let's roll.

1) How much can I make a profit from Twitter?

Twitter, like any other social network, is a multifunctional resource where anyone can find a hobby or any job they do through it, journalists, doctors, writers, even crafts professionals and many people of different orientations.
Most Twitter users use the site to create a small blog, search for new contacts, read news, and exchange SMS messages.
We are here to make this social network a constant source of money, and at this moment thousands of people make money through it, and why not join them? You don't need special knowledge, financial investments and special talents to earn profits from Twitter.
All that is required of you in the initial stage is the desire to develop and some time, where time is the key that will open the doors of profit across this network (we do not want to invest money).
By managing time well, we can effectively solve any problem and, in particular, turn your Twitter account into a source of income that generates additional funds or makes it a primary source of income.
To answer the question how much I can make a profit from Twitter, we can say that this depends on many factors, including the way you use to make money, how much time you devote to it, the number of followers you have, the fame of your account and many other factors, there are people who make thousands dollars a month, and there are those who make dozens.
For example, celebrities, sports stars and politicians can earn up to $500 to $10,000 by posting an SMS via their Twitter account.
Through this article we will highlight the best ways and tools that will help you make as much money as possible, and know that the amount of profit will depend on you only and on your desire to do so.

Twitter Profit Features.

Before starting profit forms, we must be aware of some of the information about this network, it was created in 2006, and almost in the same era that all the famous social media was created today, as twitter was called "the newest major newspaper on the Internet", and that most of the The world was getting the news through it.
Twitter Inc.'s annual turnover is about $1.5 billion, and the company's founder is an American businessman and software developer named Jack Dorsey.
Twitter users are more than 300 million people, more than a third of whom visit the site every day.

Why is Twitter a good place to make money?

  • Its users are young people who are active and able to buy.
  • More than 400 million active visits every month.
  • The site is compatible with telephones and is very easy to use (this is very useful when promoting offers from commission marketing networks).
  • You don't have to pay money to advertise your account and get followers.

The only condition to start working is to register with the network and have an account with all the functions and business options.
The important advantage of Twitter is that users do not like long conversations, and therefore the information must be provided briefly and briefly, as the person was previously allowed 140 characters, but changed the site from its policy and you can post a 280-character message.
Messages within the site are called tweets, the main tool for interacting with readers (followers) of your small post on the site, and you can post videos, photos, and active links to your publications, which is critical to financial gain.

2) Top 5 Ways to Make Money Via Twitter

Way 1: Profit by posting ads on your account
To get advertisers interested in your Twitter account, you need to reach at least 100 to 500 (real followers). We'll talk later about how to get followers, and now we're talking about the interaction of advertisers, companies, and individuals willing to pay for their ad on your account.
You can find advertisers on many platforms, for example Sponsored Tweets, a platform that brings advertisers and publishers together on many social media, including Twitter, where you can register your account and set the price you see fit for a single publication. You can also follow the following tutorial on how to work with this platform:
How can I increase profits from ads? 
Make the small blog (account) more popular, if you have 1000 followers instead of 100 profits will double. The most popular topics read on Twitter are considered political, entertainment and sports.
Some people have accounts with up to several million followers, can you imagine the profits they get for posting a single commercial through their account?
Method 2: Profit through commission marketing networks.
Admitad Commission Marketing network has many programs and offers from all categories, so you can create the right offer for the content you offer to your readers and promote it through your Twitter account.
It is important to be aware that when working with commission marketing networks, you are not only paid for publishing, but when the people who come before you do something on the site you are promoting (purchase, installation of an app, subscription, etc.). You can see the article "The Network of Elephants for Beginners: What and How Do We Make Money Through It?"
How can I increase user activity on the advertiser's page and urge them to do the required action? The most important thing about e-marketing is good content and how it is presented to the reader. Try to be directly relevant to the content you provide and attach them to high quality images or videos, and also link them to the links of the networks of the elephantnetworks (commission marketing), and try to make one ad for 10 publications that offer interest to the reader, then you will get the trust of readers and they will interact in a Good with the ad materials you provide to them.
Where do I find commission marketing companies? There are large numbers of these companies on the Internet, and Admitad is one of the most popular companies in this field, and we advise you to deal with them, and you can deal with individuals or companies directly without resorting to intermediaries, only when you have a large readership base.
Method 3: Create a mini-business blog on Twitter
With the help of twitter's business blog, your services can be promoted (not to other people's goods or services), where you can turn your account into a small business blog through which you can attract new customers.
For example, you work as a writer, create good content, and write articles in different fields. Your services can be promoted by creating a Twitter account and you will earn many new customers, as there is no much competition unlike the félanser sites where there are huge numbers of people promoting the same services you offer.
You can then sell your account on eBay or through the relevant platforms, as popular accounts are highly sought after. Its price depends on many things including the number of followers, their activity, the topics they offer and many other factors.
If you have an account that is followed by real people and not bots, you can sell the account on average from $50 to $200.
Method 4: Investing the cover image in advertising.
Does your account have several thousand followers? You can't post ads on your Tweets (so readers don't get alienated), but through the account's main cover image.
Many advertisers are willing to pay good money to put their own ads on the cover of accounts that have a large number of followers.
Of course, the price of the ad depends on the popularity of the account and the topics it is talking about. There is no price limit, the more popular the account is, the higher the ad price.
Method 5: Design cover images for other users for a fee.
After we know that people can invest in the cover image, they need to be designed for them, not everyone has the talent of designing and drawing, or at the very least doesn't know how to work with photo editors. Many users are willing to pay good money for a great and distinctive cover image.
If you're one of those people who create beautiful images, you can search for accounts for people or companies and you can show them your talent and convince them to ask you to create a better image for them than it currently exists.

3) How to advertise the account on Twitter and get followers?

No advertiser will pay money or even communicate with the account holder who has a small number of followers, so the first and main task is to advertise the account and increase the number of followers.
  • First, you can follow many people, so they will follow you, you can ask them to follow a joint follow-up, follow their account in exchange for following up on your account.
  • Don't be hasty, don't try to follow 1,000 people at a time, as people who follow large numbers and don't have a lot of followers can raise doubts among Twitter users. The ideal percentage that you should initially achieve for the reader-to-follower ratio is 3:1, i.e. you must have at least one follower versus 3 people you follow.
  • Be patient and constantly add new people, write featured Tweets and interact with other subscribers' tweets, so your followers will gradually increase to the desired level.
  • More good ways can be used to advertise your Twitter account. There are platforms that work and add followers, where you find Tweets and accounts close to your account, and interact with them, if your account contains beautiful and distinctive Tweets, most users will subscribe to your account. One of these platforms is Twidium, which is a smart program to increase followers on Twitter accounts. In addition to automatically generating and publishing content.
  • Another service, which provides your account activity in parallel with promoting it through the previous platform, will save you time and effort and increase the popularity of your Tweets, and the service "socialhammer" works similarly to the human, protecting your account from blocking on Twitter.
  • The services mentioned above are paid services and enjoy a free trial period. But with a good marketing plan, you can pay all costs in a few weeks.
  • Other sites offer services to increase the number of followers and advertise Tweets for a small amount of $5.
Fiverr is a global e-commerce site that offers tasks and services for $5.
In the end, making money through Twitter is not a fantasy, but an opportunity for everyone. All that is required of you is time, effort, desire and perseverance.



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