Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.

Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.
Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.

Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.

Microsoft Store is now one of the most reliable and reliable places to get software on Windows 10 especially original programs and xbox games exclusive on the system also at discounted prices and more logical than other platforms but the problem of slow loading from the Microsoft store became one One of the most annoying problems that cause great inconvenience to all users around the world, the problem increased importance with the increasing importance of microsoft store and there are many reasons for this problem and therefore there are many solutions to it but after excluding the general problems of slow loading on the system and slow Internet connectivity and in this blog we will review the most problems and their solutions.

The store's download speed.

Open Windows 10 settings and head to Windows Update through Update and Security
On the right side, choose Advanced Options
Choose Delivery Optimization
In the downloads section, make sure that the internet consumption limit for downloads is 100%.
Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.
Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.

Microsoft Store Cache Rebuild.

Go to the settings page for apps and programs and from there replay the cache of the program by going to App Features in the Setting menu and searching for the Microsoft Store and from there restart it.
Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.
Three ways to speed up downloads from the Windows 10 store.

Re-register Microsoft Store on the system
Open Windows Powershell with the Start menu and give it Admin Right or Run As Admin and then type in the following command
Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRootWinStoreAppxManifest.xml
To make sure the store is re-registered on the network system and then click Enter to implement.



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