Things you should do to use Windows 7 safely after the support is stopped on January 14.

Things you should do to use Windows 7 safely after the support is stopped on January 14.
Things you should do to use Windows 7 safely after the support is stopped on January 14.

Things you should do to use Windows 7 safely after the support is stopped on January 14

We all know that Microsoft will not provide any kind of support for Windows 7 from January 14 this year 2020.
January 14 means the end of Windows 7 and the lack of security updates which feeds any operating system in the world to maintain the protection and security of users and therefore all users of Windows 7 must upgrade to Windows 10 or find any other alternatives.

But upgrading to Windows 10/0 is not appropriate for some because of the possibilities of their devices and if we talk about the business sector there are many programs that only work on os 7 less, as there are many users rely on Windows 7 on their laptops or desktops and do not want to move to any other system.
Now I will give you the tips and instructions you need to do to use Windows 7 safely. 
1- Download a powerful protection program on your device to protect you from penetration and viruses and nominate you the best protection program for Windows 7 which is internet est security
• It is the best software that offers you strong protection against viruses and theft.
2- You should update all the programs on your device first and do not leave any old version on the device and if you find it difficult for you to update the programs yourself you can use a program that does an automatic update of the programs without your intervention.
3- Do not use internet explorer browser at all because it is the biggest loophole for penetration and viruses on Windows 7
4- Choose the programs that are writter carefully i.e. you must be confident of the safety of the source from which you carry.
Now you can use Windows 7 operating system safely and without any problems.



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