This is the most sold smartphone in the world in 2019 if you're considering buying a new phone! Surprise as a beer.

This is the most sold smartphone in the world in 2019 if you're considering buying a new phone! Surprise as a beer

A few days before the end of 2019, a market analysis company known as Counterpoint revealed the best-selling phones of the year, indicating that sophisticated phones are removed from user preferences, unless they are affordable or economical.
What's even more surprising is that this year's most sold phone was also the most sold in 2018, so it's not a phone that was released this year, and the most surprising thing is that it's the only one that's managed to occupy 3% of international shares, something no other phone has achieved this year.

The iPhone will always be criticized for many things, but no one can deny that it is one of the most sold phones, and Apple has shown it by putting most of its phones on this list.
According to Counterpoint, the iPhone XR was the most sold-out phone of 2019 worldwide, with a market share of 3%, thanks to its price, the cheapest iPhone yet from Apple.

However, in fifth place we find the iPhone 11, a phone launched this year and also has a cheaper price compared to other iPhone devices, and therefore has reached 1.6% of the market share.
On the other hand, Samsung has completely succeeded in renewing the A series of its phones, as the second most sold phone is no more or less than the Galaxy A10, a medium-sized economy phone that is attractive in terms of price.
But Samsung's great work doesn't end there, with two more phones from its Series A launched this year in third and seventh place, suggesting that the medium phone is favored by most people around the world and that's the reason for the price.



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