22 Ways to Increase Instagram Followers.

22 Ways to Increase Instagram Followers.
22 Ways to Increase Instagram Followers.

22 Ways to Increase Instagram Followers.

If you want to know the right way to get more followers on Instagram, then you're about to get your answer with our amazing article :)
Sure, there are multiple dodgy ways you can take such as buying followers or using bots and malware; Your goal is to get a number of real followers who really care about you or your brand and interact with it for real interest and love. This is the best way to build a sound strategy that helps you increase your Instagram followers amazingly and impressively and thus achieve your account for real results.
You should know that what you will learn in a short time is appropriate for you if you want to increase your personal account, brand account or any account you manage, let's go:
Increased followers

1- Create a clear strategy to win followers on Instagram.

Using a social network without a prior plan leads to a waste of resources and a decrease in return on investment. 
Your Instagram marketing plan should clearly define:
Your online goals: If your account is personal, the goal may be to expand your sharing or increase your interaction with you, and your goal of using Instagram as a brand may be to raise awareness of your brand, increase product sales, increase traffic to your website, etc. Always make sure that your Instagram goals are in line with your major marketing goals. 
Who is your target audience: How old are they? Where do they live? What are they doing? When and how do they use Instagram? What are their weaknesses and challenges?
What story do you want to tell: You might want to satisfy your followers' curiosity by showing some details about your personal life or if you're a brand that wants to teach them how to make your product, also as a brand you can use Instagram to share your employees' perspective and way of working to humanize your brand. Commercial. Another effective tactic is to showcase your brand in an ambitious way by sharing the brand's goals as well as your customers' achievements.
The beauty of your brand design: If you're an individual, how about making your name a brand worth pursuing, and if you're a brand, what do you think about keeping your brand's character on Instagram, make it consistent and storyful. Your posts should be easy to distinguish and recognizable at a glance.

2. Share irresistible content.  

Great content and values are what makes people talk about you and leave comments and may share your posts as well. This is the best way to reach more new followers.
The secret behind valuable content is knowing your target audience and what they want to see on Instagram. Everything you publish should be interesting to these people. Your goal is to inform them, engage them and entertain them with the content you post. Your photos should be compelling and attractive to urge them to comment.

3- Promote your Instagram account through other social media sites.

If you want to have more Instagram followers, make it easier for people to find you by promoting your account. Make sure you make your account known through other social media sites in order to make it easier for people to discover the account.
 If you've altimeset a networking platform, all you have to do is let them know that you've created an Instagram account. Share a link to your Instagram profile and motivate your current followers to click on it and follow you. You can also highlight some of your best Instagram posts on your other accounts. In addition, you can promote these publications through paid ads to ensure that more of your followers follow you on Instagram. 

4. Share your account in your other publications as well.

All communication tools , online or off line, are an opportunity to direct people to your Instagram account.
Make sure that you have links to your Instagram account on your site and in your email signature and periodic newsletters for your mailing lists, this will ensure that people who are already in touch with your brand online can find you on social media sites.
You should also include the content you post on Instagram in your blog posts. In this way, people who have access to your blog via search engines will find out on your Instagram account, and do not exclude non-online communication tools such as product packaging, business cards or banners at an event or store, for example, Dress Wedding Way has made sure that Attendees at their launch in New York can find the brand's Instagram account, which has increased the brand's popularity and visibility for both attendees and their followers.

5- Use the appropriate hashtag.  

This will make your posts discoverable for people looking for content similar to your brand or the domain you work in. Before using hashtag tags to get more followers, make sure you know what to do and what not to do when using hashtag tags on Instagram.
What to do:
Search and use what's common: Use your Instagram search function to find common hashtags related to your product, service, or field. 
Create your own hashtag: Create and choose your own hashtag that will motivate your audience to share photos of your brand. For example, there is a successful story about it so that the women's hygiene brand has created an effective campaign with the hashtag #LikeAGirl. The hashtag encouraged young women to use this expression to usually display the best that can be done. The result was more than four billion impressions across all networks in just two months
What you don't have to do:
Don't get too many hashtags: Using multiple hashtags can distract your audience and lose the concept of your post. This can also show that your account situation is desperate and just needs to increase the number of followers, or worse, refer to it to show your account as a fake account.
Don't use hashtag tricks: Using hashtags such as #likeforlike, #tagsforlikes, or #followme may temporarily give you a good err than a good number of followers. But they're likely fake accounts or people who are just interested in re-following them. This won't help you build an important base of loyal followers on Instagram. Instead, we recommend that you focus on using hashtags related to you and your photos, products, or businesses.

6- Seek to be on the Instagram sketch window.  

Instagram's Exploration Window
Explore tab is what you see when you click on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the Instagram app. According to Instagram itself, the Explore tab is where you can find photos and videos you might like from accounts you haven't followed yet." You may also see coordinated topics that the algorithm believes the community will enjoy. The Explore tab also features Instagram stories right at the top of the screen.
More than 100 million people visit Explore tab every day. It is therefore a golden opportunity for brands looking to increase their audience. In order for your publications to be on this page, you need to do a lot of research to find out what interests your audience the most.

7- Follow important Instagram users in your field.

When you follow a user on Instagram, there's a good chance they'll visit your account and look forward to it. If your account is full of compelling content that is relevant to the area of interest to you, it's likely to follow you as well.

8. Share your publications constantly.  

One of the most important reasons your current followers are following you is to watch the content you're posting, which is why we recommend that you give your followers what they expect from you to publish constantly. In addition, when your followers interact with your posts, this activity is visible to their followers as well, making you vulnerable to a wider audience.  With instagram content sharing, your followers will also be able to share your posts with their friends on your own or through comments. 
Specialists recommend that daily posting on your Instagram account leads to a fourfold faster number of followers than publishing less than once a week.

9. Publish in time.

For the most appropriate time to publish, it varies from person to person and from one brand to another because it depends on the quality of the audience. To find out when it's, think about your audience. What does their usual day look like? When are they more active on Instagram? One of the best features on Instagram for open accounts and professional is to learn about the hours your audience is active on the platform. This feature makes it easy for you to choose the right time to reach as many followers as possible. But don't forget that you can also experience when it's the best time to publish and that brings you the most likes. 

10. Schedule your publications.

Is it difficult for you to respect the best time for publication? There's no problem, there's a lot of apps that publish at the time you choose, all you have to do is prepare the publications before and enter them on the app.

11- Writing interesting attached texts.  

Although Instagram is a platform based on everything that's visible, the writings attached to publications play a big role in increasing engagement, helping you get more followers. Here are some key strategies to keep in mind:
Put the most expressive and attractive words in the foreground: the published text is cut into users' pages after only a few lines of text, so try writing the most important sentences that you know are impressive and intriguing to your followers in the first text in order to get them to complete the reading and then lose the publication.
Ask questions: This makes it easy for your audience to leave a comment on your post. This trick will help make your account visible to more people. 
Use emojis: Emoji can help you get the reader's attention, and it's also suitable for most types of accounts on this visual social network.
Try writing publications of different length: Instagram allows you to write long texts, so you can test the length of some of the stories published if your message warrants it. Attached texts can also be very short when visual images speak for themselves.

12- Create an interesting bio-profile.  

Dolevinus Instagram account
Your profile is the backbone of the image you give about you through Instagram, and a beautiful harm on your account is the secret to attracting more followers. It is obvious that people will not follow outsheic, incomplete or unattractive accounts.
 Your Instagram profile includes your name, username, website and bio biography 
Name: Up to 30 characters, included in your Instagram search, so we recommend that you include a keyword in your domain name.
Name: Make it like the name you use on other social platforms. This will make it easier for your followers on other platforms to find you on Instagram.
Website: It's the only place on Instagram where you can include a clickable link. 
Bio CV: Up to 150 characters to express your brand identity and convince new visitors to follow you by demonstrating the added value earned by this follow-up.

13. Tag users on Instagram in your posts.

You can make Tag for other Instagram users in your photos using @-mention in the text posted with the photo or using the Tag function on Instagram. In both cases, these people will receive a notification when doing so. Your reference to someone will often encourage them to interact with the publication and share it with their followers as well.

14- Ask your followers to tag for their friends.  

You can also encourage your followers to tag for their friends in comments in order to increase interaction with your posts, for example, you can write: "Tag for someone you know needs a vacation!" this can help you view your Instagram account to a larger network of people and this will also increase your chances that your Explore tab will appear.

15- Share your location   

Locations on Instagram
If your business has a physical location on the ground, make sure your actual location shares your photos and encourages your customers to do the same. Users can then click this site and see all the photos posted from your store, restaurant or office. This can help show your brand and instagram account to more people.
Even if your business isn't on a physical location, you might want to tag your location while taking a photo/video. For example, you can share your location if you are present at a well-known event such as an art gallery or conference to share with your followers and attendees.

16. Competitions are created from time to time.

Creating contests on Instagram will greatly help increase your audience as well as increase traffic on your website and even sell your products, and to participate in the contest, ask your followers to tag or comment on one of your photos, use a hashtag or repost one of your photos. This is a great strategy for individuals and companies of all sizes and not just for accounts that have a large number of followers. Encouraging the dissemination of your content by your followers as part of the contest can also help you reach more people. People will see your Instagram account through posts created by their friends, an effective way to build trust with new followers.

17. Use Stories and make them part of your strategy.  

Story template from Instagram stories
Your use of story refers to you as a person/brand who is heavily engaged and interacting with your followers.  According to Instagram, every 5 storycountes produce a message on your follower as an expression of interaction, and corporate storyshows and sushi media influencers are among the most watched. 

18. Use live streaming.  

Instagram is the perfect place to take advantage of live video, a trend that continues to grow on social media. It's great to cover live events such as conferences, rallies or in-store promotions.
Live videos appear within your brand story. When the live video is finished, you can let it disappear or choose to make it available for 24-hour repetition. Users are notified when any account they follow starts streaming, so this tool is really effective for drawing attention

19- Keep in touch with other Instagram accounts.   

Like all social media platforms, Instagram relies heavily on the communities built within it. If you should communicate with these communities and accounts and participate with them, you must first find them. Searching for accounts that share your preferences and are active in the same field of your business is the first step. Once these users are discovered, connect with them by liking, commenting on, and sharing their content. Many of them will do the same and why not re-follow your account as well.  
In addition to searching for important accounts and well-known influencers in your industry, we recommend that you look permanently at popular keywords in your field as well as the hashtags known to be used in your account. 

20- Get influencers' recommendations.   

The methodology of using influencers to increase your account followers is an effective and very feasible tool, all you have to do is identify 3-7 influencers within your area of interest and have an audience that matches your audience or close to him and address them in order to indicate you in its next content only in a picture or video in order to nominate you to their followers because you own your account Attractive and offers great content, this will require you to accomplish only by giving gifts to influencers or paying directly for it, in Dolvinus you can reach out to influencers who may cooperate with you in order to increase your followers amazingly.
Some of the experiences of increasing followers across the Dolvinus platform indicate that more than 10,000 real followers can be reached within a week if the above recommendations are applied, and then i started working with influencers by getting 5 recommendations from influencers with an audience starting with 100,000 followers.
Warning: Don't use influencers to promote your account before making sure your account is eligible to attract a new audience by providing an attractive bio and valuable visual content that is appropriate to the target group

21. Always take advantage of Instagram analytics tools. 

Instagram analytics tools will give you impressions data per post, access rate, sharing, best posts, and more. You can also find demographic information about your followers, including gender, age, and location.
Reviewing this data regularly can help you determine where you can adjust your strategy to help you get more followers.

22- Try making an announcement for your Instagram account.   

Facebook Ads
Instagram ads are an effective way to reach new followers quickly by showing your content on the homepage of people that were hard to reach in another way. Target your audience by location, demographics, and even key behaviors and interests. You can also use advertising on Story. 



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